TED “The career advice you probably didn’t get / 今までに聞いたことのないキャリア・アドバイス” で英語学習

“The career advice you probably didn’t get / 今までに聞いたことのないキャリア・アドバイス”というTED Talkで英語を勉強しましょう。ただ聞き流すだけではなく、下にある理解度チェックテストで、きちんと内容が聞き取れていたかを確認できます。女性の社会進出が進んだ現代においても存在するジェンダー・ギャップを埋めるための非常に重要なアドバイスを、比較的ゆっくりで聞き取りやすいプレゼンテーションで学ぶことができます。

このTED Talkの紹介
You’re doing everything right at work, taking all the right advice, but you’re just not moving up. Why? Susan Colantuono shares a simple, surprising piece of advice you might not have heard before quite so plainly. This talk, while aimed at an audience of women, has universal takeaways — for men and women, new grads and midcareer workers.
全ての仕事を上手くこなし、全ての適切なアドバイスに従っていても一向に昇進しない。なぜなのでしょうか? スーザン・コラントゥオーノは、とても分かりやすく、あなたがこれまでに聞いたことのないかもしれない、シンプル且つ驚くべきアドバイスをシェアします。このプレゼンテーションの内容は、女性の聴衆を対象としていますが、男女問わず、新卒および中堅社員の方などを含め、誰にでも役立つものとなっています。


No. 1

Which is a correct combination of numbers Susan described? "Women represent ---- percent of middle management and professional positions, but the percentages of women at the top of organizations represent not even a ---- of that number."
(a) 10 / fourth
(b) 30 / third
(c) 40 / fourth
(d) 50 / third

No. 2

Which is a missing elements of leadership for women who want to move up to top of the organizations?
(a) Engage the greatness on others
(b) Use the greatness in you
(c) Business, strategic and financial acumen
(d) Informal mentoring and sponsorship

No. 3

Why is this element missing?
(a) Because it's missing in women's capabilities.
(b) Because it's missing in the advice that women were given.
(c) Because it's been hidden by male executives.
(d) Because it's been ignored by women.

No. 4

In conventional advice to women, which element is most emphasized?
(a) Engage the greatness on others
(b) Use the greatness in you
(c) Business, strategic and financial acumen
(d) Informal mentoring and sponsorship

No. 5

Who did NOT Susan mention to take action?
(a) Directors on boards
(b) Women
(c) CEOs
(d) CFOs

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