TED “How to make work-life balance work / ワーク・ライフバランスの実現” で英語学習

“How to make work-life balance work / ワーク・ライフバランスの実現”というTED Talkで英語を勉強しましょう。ただ聞き流すだけではなく、下にある理解度チェックテストで、きちんと内容が聞き取れていたかを確認できます。最近の日本社会でも大きなキーワードになっている「ワーク・ライフバランス」。10年以上前にシドニーで行われたTEDのプレゼンテーションですが、今の私たちにもヒントとなるアイデアが満載です。

このTED Talkの紹介
Work-life balance, says Nigel Marsh, is too important to be left in the hands of your employer. Marsh lays out an ideal day balanced between family time, personal time and productivity — and offers some stirring encouragement to make it happen.



No. 1

Which of the following is NOT included as a description of the classic corporate warrior?
(a) Sleeping too short
(b) Working too hard
(c) Neglecting the family
(d) Eating too much

No. 2

Nigel's ------- observation is that we need to face the truth that governments and corporations aren't going to solve the issue of work-life balance for us.
(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) Forth

No. 3

According to Nigel, you should never put the quality of your life in the hands of a commercial corporation because -------.
(a) the bad companies try to get as much out of you
(b) the bad companies don't care about your work-life balance
(c) even the good companies somehow exploit their employees
(d) its DNA takes control and responsibility

No. 4

Which of the following is NOT included as a part of the best day of Nigel's son?
(a) Playing in the park
(b) Buying a PlayStation
(c) Sharing a pizza
(d) Reading a book

No. 5

Nigel tells a story of a day with his son as an example of his idea that -------.
(a) we need to approach balance in a balanced way
(b) somebody else will design your life for you if you don't by yourself
(c) it is easy to balance life and work when you don't have any work
(d) the smallest investment could transform the quality of your relationship

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