TED “Why Brexit happened – and what to do next / なぜブレグジットは起こったか―そして次に何をすべきか” で英語学習

“Why Brexit happened – and what to do next / なぜブレグジットは起こったか―そして次に何をすべきか”というTED Talkで英語を勉強しましょう。ただ聞き流すだけではなく、下にある理解度チェックテストで、きちんと内容が聞き取れていたかを確認できます。ヨーロッパをはじめとして世界に衝撃を与えたBrexit(ブレグジット/英国のEU離脱)。これを一夜の結果としてではなく、裏にある私たちの分断された社会に目を向けるべきだとオックスフォード大学教授のアレクサンダー・ベッツ氏が語ります。ホットなトピックに関する興味深い考察と私たちへのメッセージをお聞きください。

このTED Talkの紹介
We are embarrassingly unaware of how divided our societies are, and Brexit grew out of a deep, unexamined divide between those that fear globalization and those that embrace it, says social scientist Alexander Betts. How do we now address that fear as well as growing disillusionment with the political establishment, while refusing to give in to xenophobia and nationalism? Join Betts as he discusses four post-Brexit steps toward a more inclusive world.


No. 1

Which is false about the results of the referendum?
(a) Not many young people went to vote.
(b) Older people really wanted to leave the European Union.
(c) London wanted to remain part of the European Union.
(d) Scotland wanted to leave the European Union.

No. 2

What is the nature of contemporary politics?
(a) It's about right and left.
(b) It's about tax and spend.
(c) It's about globalization.
(d) It's about immigration.

No. 3

Which is the correct combination to fill out the sentence Alexander described about a division of the society? "The fault line of contemporary politics is between those that ------- globalization and those that ------- globalization."
(a) like / hate
(b) benefit from / lose in
(c) accept / reject
(d) embrace / fear

No. 4

In explaining the situation where people reject the political establishment around the world, Alexander mentioned other countries EXCEPT:
(a) Canada
(b) Hungary
(c) France
(d) the United States

No. 5

How does Alexander call a new globalization that brings everyone together rather than leaving some people behind?
(a) Persuasive globalization
(b) Inclusive globalization
(c) Tentative globalization
(d) Exclusive globalization

No. 6

Which is the term Alexander did NOT call himself as?
(a) British
(b) European
(c) A global citizen
(d) A Remainer

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