TED "How to buy happiness / 幸せを買う方法" で英語学習 | 英語学習お助けサイト

TED “How to buy happiness / 幸せを買う方法” で英語学習

“How to buy happiness / 幸せを買う方法”というTED Talkで英語を勉強しましょう。ただ聞き流すだけではなく、下にある理解度チェックテストで、きちんと内容が聞き取れていたかを確認できます。私たちの人生につきもののお金と幸せについて。ハーバード・ビジネス・スクールで教える教授がデータとともに示す結果を知れば、あなたももっと幸せになれるかも。さすが教授だけあって、親しみやすく、そしてわかりやすいプレゼンテーションです。

このTED Talkの紹介
At TEDxCambridge, Michael Norton shares fascinating research on how money can, indeed buy happiness — when you don’t spend it on yourself. Listen for surprising data on the many ways pro-social spending can benefit you, your work, and (of course) other people.


No. 1

Which is the common belief Michael introduced at the beginning of the presentation?
(a) Money can buy happiness.
(b) Money can't buy happiness.
(c) Money makes you happy.
(d) Money makes you unhappy.

No. 2

Which is the finding from the CNN article?
(a) The winners of the lottery have more money and better friendship than they had before they won the lottery.
(b) The winners of the lottery have less debt and better friendship than they had before they won the lottery.
(c) The winners of the lottery have less debt and worse friendship than they had before they won the lottery.
(d) The winners of the lottery have more debt and worse friendship than they had before they won the lottery.

No. 3

According to Michael, how money makes us?
(a) Selfish
(b) Sociable
(c) Unhappy
(d) Kind

No. 4

Which is the correct finding from the experiment?
(a) People who spent money for a specific product got happier.
(b) People who spent money on other people got less happier.
(c) People who spent money on other people got happier.
(d) People got more happier when people spent more amount of money.

No. 5

What is the similarity of how people spend money between Canada and Uganda?
(a) People spend money for a present.
(b) People spend money to save their friend's family.
(c) People spend money on someone to whom they try to be nice.
(d) People spend money for a cup of coffee.

No. 6

Which group of people was NOT included in Michael's experiment?
(a) The Gallup Organization
(b) A sales team
(c) A dodgeball team
(d) University students

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