TOEIC 文法問題 ミニテスト <問題>

No. 1

The meeting will commence as soon as the president -------.

(A) arrive
(B) arrives
(C) arriving
(D) arrival
No. 2

The student was ------- to provide the professor with the adequate evidence that the experiment had been successful.

(A) uncertain
(B) understanding
(C) unsure
(D) unable
No. 3

Three ----- ten people voted against the bill.

(A) by
(B) of
(C) out of
(D) about
No. 4

The CEO was awarded a prize for his ------- to the local community.

(A) contributed
(B) contribute
(C) contributions
(D) contributes
No. 5

Mr. Hudson bought a tailored ------- from a famous menswear shop in Milan.

(A) suited
(B) suitable
(C) suits
(D) suit
No. 6

We will ------- samples of the new product at the trade convention.

(A) give in
(B) hand out
(C) put over
(D) fill out
No. 7

The staff and management of Royal Rose Spa and Resort have ------- much enjoyed serving you during your stay.

(A) especially
(B) very
(C) certainly
(D) extremely
No. 8

I can ensure that there is ------- I wouldn't do for the success of this project.

(A) anything
(B) everything
(C) nothing
(D) something
No. 9

Mike's promotion was approved by the board so he ------- become vice president from next month.

(A) would
(B) couldn't
(C) did
(D) will
No. 10

The business trip was cancelled because the government ------- travel warnings yesterday for that country.

(A) issues
(B) issue
(C) issued
(D) has issued